What a wonderful day full of love. Every day is and should be that way.
The hubs had a little work in the morning, but I got to sleep in a bit, so we didn't miss much time away. Kicked off the morning with a good workout, because showing your health some love is important too. Brooklynn joined me by trying to mimick everything I was doing. I'll have to get it on video next time. She's pretty much the cutest thing ever. We followed it up with a nutritious and festive lunch...
If you know me, I relish the opportunity to play with my food. By which I mean, make it cutesy and themed. Yes, I'm THAT mom. My tot appreciates it and it makes me smile. XO.
We read some Valentine and lovey books to get B into her nap, and afterward it was off to the park...

We love the playground and the park. We love the swings and the slides. We love the sunshine and beautiful days. We love heart print things and Valentine's. Most of all, we love each other.

After a day full of fun and me playing Mamarazzi, we flew to dinner. Literally...
We enjoyed a delicious dinner together at one of our favorite sea food restaurants. Afterward, we went for a night time stroll around some local shops. We made our stop at B's favorite waterfall to say hello and blow kisses to all of the Nemo characters she thinks are in the pond. Coffee in hand, pretty views in our eyes, and love in our hearts. It was a beautiful day.
Brooklynn thought Valentine's Day really rocked and we hope yours was filled with love too!
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