Wow! It's official; we have a two year old. T-W-O, I've had to practice saying it a couple times. Picture me as you would my toddler herself... "she's this many" while struggling to hold up the proper amount of fingers. Our daughter Brooklynn is two years old. It's not that the time necessarily flew, because I took the advice of "Don't blink and soak it all in." very seriously, but we're still in shock of how incredible the past two years have been and all that our Brookie has done.


She's still a teeny tot; weighing in at 25.4 pounds and measuring 31.75 inches tall. She's got fourteen chompin teeth and the sweetest little "duck tail" curls growing on her beautiful blonde head.

It's crazy how quickly she started accomplishing new things in the last few months. It seems every day was at least a new word or action. Her walking turned into running, crawling to climbing, standing to jumping, cooing to full blown conversations, and lots of singing and dancing.
Brooklynn knows her alphabet and counts to twenty when repeating mama and to five all by herself. She knows all of her colors and shapes. Want to know an animal, she's got that down too, of course with their matching noises. I seriously can't keep up with all of the new words she's adding to her vocabulary. By which I mean I totally write them all down on my phone's notepad every time she says a new one. You can read that list here. I credit reading twenty plus books a day and being around well educated adults to her vast word choice. It's the cutest thing to hear her brilliance with her precious raspy voice. Her diet is more impressive than most adults, and we're so proud of making it two with such a healthy lifestyle.
We got to vacation to Colorado and experience her first real snow. I'll be writing a post on that winter wonderland time soon, be sure to look for it. Until then here are a few adorable pictures of her loving every second of it.
A few of her favorite things include reading, bathtime, basketball games, dancing, eating, snuggling Mommy and Daddy, coloring, puzzles, swings and slides, cuddling her "baby fwends" (stuffed toys and dolls), Disney movies, going for walks, and loving on animals.
Look for her birthday party post coming soon!
Brooklynn Rose,
Happy two years old sweet girl. It's been the best seven hundred and thirty days of our lives; you've made every moment so truly special. We enjoy watching you learn and grow. Your loving and silly personality always makes us smile and everyone else around you. You've got the biggest heart and loving nature that only makes our hearts grow more. Your intelligence blows us away daily and we're so proud. Though part of us wants to keep you itty bitty forever, we're also excited to see where you go, because we know you're going to move mountains babygirl. We love you to the moon and back Brookie!
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