Wait a minute, eighteen months? I have a one and a half year old?
Time truly does fly guys, it's unreal.

22.2lbs (18%), 30.5in (18%), and 48cm head (87%). Her height and weight have both jumped up to the 18th percentile, but she's still our bitty peanut with a big brain! She's got 12 teeth and wears size 3 diapers. Clothing is all over the map, because brands are inconsistent; anything from 6 months -18 months fits, and she wears a size 4 in toddler shoes.

Favorite & Least Favorite Foods:
Chicken, salmon, beans of any variety, hummus, guacamole, blueberries, banana, oatmeal, strawberries, almond butter, and any smoothie/fresh juice to name her top favorites. She's still eating wonderfully and my previous posts cover all of her diet. Still successfully avoiding sugar, processed junk, and fried foods.

What's Brooklynn up to:
Chicken, salmon, beans of any variety, hummus, guacamole, blueberries, banana, oatmeal, strawberries, almond butter, and any smoothie/fresh juice to name her top favorites. She's still eating wonderfully and my previous posts cover all of her diet. Still successfully avoiding sugar, processed junk, and fried foods.

We've got ourselves a little dancing diva, she loves to move and groove to music. Like mama like daughter. She's also really into her walking, and now pseudo-running skills and will take off anywhere to adventure. She's really good at sharing, and likes to bring you things she finds. Definitely my little helper too, though she does take every toy or book out, she's also really good about putting things back, she helps me with the chores too... Now if only we could get her daddy to follow suit. haha. She loves the park, playing hide & seek, and playing with a plethora of toys (I really can't narrow down favorites). We love story time together, and it warms my heart to know she's growing that big brain of hers every time she brings me a book and sits in my lap to read. Tickle fests and goofing around with daddy get the best belly laughs, and my heart melts when she runs to the door with the happiest grin when he comes home. Still a curious cat and constantly wanting to know what new things are by saying "daaaaaaat?!" until you tell her. I love her eagerness to learn. She's managed to figure out how to work my iphone, and enjoys swiping through pictures, especially when she sees myself or her Daddy or an animal; she stops and points with a smile and says who she sees. The kid loves to eat, like as much as her Daddy and I, but our little piglet is an incredibly healthy eater, so we totally allow it. We're still nursing regularly and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. (ps. Stay tuned for a blog post on the subject!) She loves movies, and points to the tv when she wants to watch something; Frozen and the preschool channel are her go tos. She's a snuggly bug and loves to cuddle with us and the arm around the neck hugs and kisses are the best, and of course we soak every bit of it up. Sleep is getting much better, as she's going for longer segments at night and usually giving me a thirty minute to hour and a half nap in the afternoons, when else would I have time to blog? Her vocabulary continues to grow; she meows at kitties now, rawrs at all other animals that aren't meows or woofwoofs, she also said wall as she pointed to it, and the best new word is "gaga" to her gaga (Travis' mom), of course that made her year. B loves to clap when she accomplishes something or hears others clapping, she's learned how to get into and open everything that's not child locked, and can now also climb onto the couch. Summertime is treating her well, because she's the biggest water baby; whether it's bath time (and recently shower), playing in the sink, and of course the pool... this little mermaid loves to splash. Balls are one of her favorites to throw, and stuffed toys are best for cuddling. She's generally pretty darn happy, but isn't the biggest fan of diaper changes (hit or miss), wiping her face clean, being told no, and nine hour car rides (but, seriously, who is?) We love watching her personality and skills develop and we're excited to her grow.
Baby Bear,
You're becoming miss personality, and you keep us entertained with every bit. You're quite the baby genius and you make us so proud. We love our daily adventures and look forward to all that's to come. You're asleep in my arms right now and I'm just soaking in your itty bitty self, because I know before we can say slow down you're going to be a big kid. We love you with all of our hearts angel, forever and always!

You're becoming miss personality, and you keep us entertained with every bit. You're quite the baby genius and you make us so proud. We love our daily adventures and look forward to all that's to come. You're asleep in my arms right now and I'm just soaking in your itty bitty self, because I know before we can say slow down you're going to be a big kid. We love you with all of our hearts angel, forever and always!
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