Okay, so this post doesn't count as late if I get it posted within a month... Right?
We celebrated Brooklynn's second birthday party at her favorite (ours too) local Greek spot. Hence the title.
B's younger buddy Trent wanted to make it clear that HE loved Brooklynn and gave her big smooches in front of everyone, including her older boyfriend Hudson (who was obviously thinking "Hey, that's MY girl!")
As you can see, she was pretty smitten with all of the attention.
It was such a treat to have all of B's loved ones in one room, there just for her. Of course we know how loved she is, but seeing it all at once is overwhelmingly sweet.
(Her first piece of jewelry from her boyfriend Hudson.💕)
Brooklynn was showered with wonderful gifts, but most importantly so so much love. Thank you to everyone who's made the night and the past two years of her life so special, you're all such a blessing.
Anyone that knows me, knows I love any reason to craft. Naturally, I continued my sign tradition with her two year stats.
If you keep up with my blog you know B doesn't eat sugar, or any junk food for that matter. I wanted her to have a dessert to blow out candles on, but certainly wasn't giving into cake. So, two hours before her party (planning a party with a toddler can be a bit chaotic, let's be honest.) I made up this recipe for sweet potato brownies. I admit, they weren't brownies. They were good, but definitely tasted and had the texture more so of a Larabar, which is a snack B enjoys often. B liked them and some of the adults did too, but it was definitely one of those you can tell it's super healthy things. But hey, that's what I want for my kid; good health. Bad news: I was in such a hurry and making it up as I went that I really don't remember the recipe. Good news: I came up with a new one (in a much more thought out process) for actual brownie like brownies that are delicious and still incredibly healthy. Post coming soon!
and she got to end the night with the sweetest birthday kiss. (Told you he was going to steal her back.) I mean, does it get any more adorable than that?!😍
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