It seriously feels like I wrote her eighteen month post a few days ago,probably because I postponed admitting I had a one and a half year old and did post it late. TIME KEEPS FLYING, but we're cherishing every single moment over here.
It seriously feels like I wrote her eighteen month post a few days ago,
I don't think she's grown too much since last month's post, except her hair. It's growing in so beautifully blonde and soft.
Favorite & Least Favorite Foods:
Still rocking the healthiest diet ever, and this month she tried sushi for the first time; ikura salmon roe, Hamachi baby yellowtail, and live scallops. Chopsticks and all. Sushi is our favorite, and her Daddy may have teared up a little with how proud he was.
What's Brooklynn up to:
Oh wow, what isn't Brooklynn up to? You are learning so many new things daily, we're truly astonished. You know your head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, cheek, hands, feet, and belly. You can point to all of them and can say "eyes", "ezzzz" (ears), "nuzzz" (nose). We've started counting your toes ever since you saw cute baby online do it. You really like to learn and separate colors and shapes too. You say "nack" for snack or any meal, "back" for putting something back where you found it (woohoo), ""cozeeee" for clothes as you unfold everything and throw it on ground help me with laundry, and your favorite "chezzzz" for cheers, as your clink your drink into ours. You know duck and say it clear as day, and "baeee" for bears. You've perfected your meows, woofs, growls, and mooooos. You like to bring me books and say "book" clear as day for story time in my lap, it's still your favorite past time and mine too. You've learned to walk to your changing table and point while tugging your diaper when you want to be changed; potty training here we come! You've also learned how to climb onto the couch, and I've seen you attempt other objects... greaaaaat! You're obsessed with Disney movies, but so am I, so it doesn't bother me that I have them all re-memorized. You're really into puzzles right now too, however, you get frustrated when you can't make things fit... you probably have Mama's perfectionist gene. You also get creeped out by a piece of lint stuck to something, or when you have food or something stuck to you, but then you hate being wiped clean. You do love bathtime though and would stay in there until you literally became a raisin if I let you. And swimming, you're just the perfect little mermaid baby I envisioned you to be. You love it just as much as I do. You're the best helper, especially with the dog "kooookoooo" (Chloe). You scoop her food out of the bag and into her bowl... you get mad when I tell you "no more" after you attempt a third scoop. You also hold her leash from your stroller when we go on walks, it's super sweet. You love to give hugs and kisses to all animals, and do so when we say "do you love the puppy? (or whatever it is)". You're the biggest love bug; you love to throw your arms around our neck and give us big smooches, it's our favorite thing ever! We're working on saying "I love you", right now you say "ruhhrooo" "ruhrrooo" and the give us cuddles.

Our little angel, you truly are perfect. Mama and Daddy (and everyone, really) are in such awe of you. You never seize to amaze us with your brilliance, hilarity, and sweetness. We love teaching you everything we can, as you soak it up into your baby genius noggin. We soak up every bit of cuddles you give us, because it's the best feeling in the world. We are so utterly and completely in love with you Brookie Bear!