I've struggled to find a protein powder that I actually enjoy AND that agrees with my body. I will say, I've always tried to get most of my protein and nutrients from my food, so I didn't turn to protein supplements all that often anyway. However, there were times that making a quick shake or buying a bottled one were more convenient and quick... Only to be frustrated with it afterward. There have been many I liked the taste of, come to find out that they're full or sugar or artificial sweeteners. Then there were some that were low in sugar, but were full of a bunch ingredients I couldn't identify. All of the above mentioned made me sick. Whether tasty or not, appearing healthy or not, they did not react well with my body. Headaches and painful bloating were amongst the biggest issues. So I stopped using them altogether. Afterall, I wasn't going to spend a pretty penny on a big tub of tummy ache.
Then I discovered this precious gem at Whole Foods. It was on display and caught my attention, so I gave the ingredient list a glance... Only to find myself literally grinning as I read, understood, and approved of every ingredient. I immediately grabbed a tub and didn't even think twice, with that much goodness it was bound to be delicious. (spoiler alert: it's wonderful!) Why? Because it's all from real and actual foods that provide all of these spectacular nutrients, just take a look...
I'll let those stats speak for themselves. You can see that the product is amazing for you and I can vouch that it definitely fills me up with that healthy satisfaction and gives me zero negative side effects. It's also so healthy that I'm happy to share it with my tot. That's saying something, because I'm the most protective mama bear with my daughter's health. Oh, and don't forget delicious!
I got the chocolate one for my first round, as I figured that would help with my cacao cravings. It's delicious and I've used it in shakes, smoothies, pancakes, 'nice' cream, and so on. I've also sampled the Vanilla Chai recently and it was awesome too. Then... THIS happened. They came out with Mocha. Guys, if you know me, you know I'm a coffee and chocolate fiend. So this is the perfect flavor for me. It's also my newest and most favorite way to make my coffee more exciting. They also have some sport-focused products for pre-mid-post workouts in powders, snacks, and gels that I'm looking forward to looking into and trying out.
ps. Don't mind my hot mess sweatiness, I just smashed a great workout, all the more reason for my new favorite protein.
You can order yours at http://myvega.com or pick up some on your next trip to Whole Foods. They also carry them at an array of vitamin and health/fitness shops too. Just punch in your zip code on their website to find your nearest supply.
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