I've decided not to sugarcoat things, as we all know, I try to avoid sugar.
So, here we go...
"Our Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight management products in the world."
Uh, false.
Raise your hand if you know what a pyramid scheme is? Okay well those of you have your hands up, props to you for physically responding to a blog. Those of you who didn't, because you don't know, I certainly hope you're not part of one, because chances are you're at the bottom. Bottom of what you ask? A mountain of twenty-somethings [or so it seems to be] who've hopped on the Herbalife train without the slightest REAL clue as to where the tracks are taking them. Sure, you may have sat through some really convincing fancy schmancy seminar about how amazing these products are, but even better how YOU [I'm pointing at you Uncle Sam style] can benefit financially from it. More than likely, you saw a bunch of your friends post about it on Facebook, and now we have a bunch of I-think-I'm-a-nutritionists. #dontactuallyknowwhatyouretalkingabout "OMG! I'm going to get skinny and rich, so totes perf!" NOT.
By definition, a pyramid scheme is "a form of investment (illegal in US & elsewhere) in which each paying participant recruits two further participants, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones." also sometimes covered up as "multi-level
marketing". So some guy with a savvy sales pitch, and probably bro-tastic hair and big biceps gave you a spiel about these "awesome tasting shakes that rock, and this tea that burns a hundred calories just by drinking it [EXCUSE ME WHILE I VOMIT ON THAT BS!], and yeah, man you can sell this stuff to all of your equally gullible friends, and if you can get them to join the cult, you can make money off of that too. Herbalife for the win, bro!"
Well, let me break down the ugly truth for you...
As for the financial part of it, for those who were looking to make a buck. This is where the tippy top part of the pyramid is, those are the ones who can make a lucrative "job"selling 'poison' recruiting others out of it. There are a select few that have the sales techniques to get a bunch of naïve people to join, however, this is not the case for most. Most of you stay at the bottom of the pyramid, maybe occasionally recruiting others, but certainly not enough to make a life off of, or even support your own product purchases. At least not for as long as you'd need to take them for them to keep working. Which is forever, by the way, or at least until the crap in them negatively affects you. Ah yes, because when you stop taking these products, that lost weight comes hurdling back to attach itself to you.
As for the financial part of it, for those who were looking to make a buck. This is where the tippy top part of the pyramid is, those are the ones who can make a lucrative "job"
So there you are, with all of your weight back, all of your money gone, and the lack of sense on how to actually properly achieve a healthy body. You've
relied on supplements and chemicals to keep the weight off, which has in turn left you for lack of a better term actually I like this term screwed. You haven't the slightest idea how to eat and exercise to obtain your dream body, you've been dependent on an aid the entire time. Your metabolism has in fact, lost all of it's marbles, and doesn't know how to react to eating normally anymore, and it will burn things at a much slower rate than it should. In fact, because it's been deprived for the duration of the weight loss program, when it finally does get the proper amount of food, it's afraid it may not get it again, and actually goes into starvation mode, storing things as fat for later, instead of burning it off and using it as fuel, like a stable metabolism should. Dear Grammar Gosh that was a lot of commas for one sentence. Oops.
Now, before you attack back with how it's actually worked on you or someone you know, save it. I know that it can in fact, cause weight loss. Great. So can anorexia. ***I'm not mocking eating disorders, and certainly not encouraging them, I'm simply giving an example that there are plenty of ways to lose weight, though most of them are not healthy! There are many people who have shed pounds by using the weight loss program, but at a price, and I'm not just talking about the cost of the products. I'm referring to the damage they've caused their bodies, most might not even be aware. However, there are quite a few that noticed some of the more obvious side effects, such as headache, weakness, faintness/dizziness, extreme cramping, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. So, where do I sign up? Those are just the apparent issues, but do you know what you've actually been consuming, and more importantly what that does to your body?
Let's take a looksie at the ingredients for a protein shake, shall we?
Numero Uno: soy protein isolate. That's genetically modified soy (USDA estimates that over 94% of soy in America is genetically modified). It's not healthy when highly processed into this crap. Feel free to educate yourself on the negativity that is genetically modified soy. SO what's next? Oooh yay, some tasty monoglycerides and diglycerides, also known as TRANS FATS. Some more overly-processed toxins and synthetic crap tossed in here and there. Then there's some sucralose, which is an artificial sweetener made by replacing hydrogen-oxygen groups on the sugar molecule with chlorine atoms, leaving you with a product as sweet as sugar, but awful for you but without the sugar's calories. Mmm, chlorine, my favorite. There's a reason why you're not supposed to swallow pool water. So there's your "super duper" shake that's terrible for you, but hey, at least it tastes like banana pudding. I'm sure banana pudding places high on the last meal of death row requests.
So, you've had your shakes. What can you have on your way too low-calorie meal for the day? How about the highly processed "low-fat" foods they recommend, or even their brand name foods you can purchase? Don't mind that they're full of hydrogenated soy, autolyzed yeast extract [aka MSG], canola and cottonseed oils, corn syrup, wheat protein, margarine, and artificial flavors. Oh, that's all okay though, because they also suggest you eat lots of fruits and veggies with it, yeah, because that makes up for it. The foods they suggest are void of any nutrients, and replaced with absolute garbage. If you don't know what any of the underlined or bold things written here are, I highly suggest researching them, you won't want to consume them afterward. Herbalife likes to use different terminology to list their ingredients. Basically, different name, same killer. You know how criminals sometimes have different aliases to cover their dirty tracks? EXACTLY.
So what do I recommend then? Oh you know, just good ole fashion clean eating. Meaning eating a nutrient rich diet from real and natural foods, organic and locally grown if you can. Which you can afford if you quit wasting money on crap products. EAT REAL FOOD AND EXERCISE, that's what a healthy lifestyle is. Cut out the alcohol, get good sleep, discover world peace, you know the drill. You've heard it time and time again, I've preached it time and time again, yet people still sit with a puzzled look on their face. They just can't seem to fathom that eating real, healthy food and good ole fashion exercise is going to help their body. It does, I PROMISE. I lost the fifty-three pounds I gained while pregnant by the time Brooklynn was six months old. I didn't take any magical pills, shakes, or teas. I didn't do any weird crash diets or extreme low calorie fads. I didn't develop an eating disorder or use drugs. I didn't have any surgeries of any kind, or wear plastic wraps. I didn't sprinkle any magical pixie dust and do the hokeypokey while balancing a cup of fat-burning tea on my head. You know what I did do? I ate right, I exercised, I won't lie; I don't get adequate sleep, but that's motherhood, I don't drink, but the occasional wine or celebratory champagne, I don't smoke/do drugs. I live a healthy lifestyle.
You know what else? I've never felt better! Sure, there were plenty of melt downs along the way, where I felt insecure and wanted to resort to some of the said above not realistic methods, but I didn't. I took pride in doing things the right way, the way that was going to be best for me now AND in the long run. I take comfort in knowing we're raising our daughter to live a healthy lifestyle too. I won't even start on the fact that they make products for children, it boils my blood too high, and if you're someone who subjects your kids to it; SHAME ON YOU! Back to a positive note though, don't fall for the herbaLIES or any other bullsh scam out there, do things the tried and true way, I promise you'll thank yourself!
I'm sure the heat is coming. I know this post probably pissed the hell out of a lot of people. Truth often does. I can handle it, because I know I'm right. If you choose to stick to your unhealthy guns, so be it. However, I hope this post instead sheds light on the issue, and may change some of your opinions and habits.
Now, I'm off to enjoy some sweet potato with almond butter and then hit the gym for some serious HIIT [high intensity interval training] murder.(:
My proof
My proof
***I am not a doctor, nurse, dietician, nutritionist, or health professional of any kind. Though, I have consulted many who do hold those titles to educate myself on these things.***
***I was also not endorsed or compensated in any way to write this, it was my own opinion and desire to post.***
omg lol THANK YOU. You finally said what we've all been thinking.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! I'm always happy to speak my mind. Glad you agree!(:
DeleteDo you feel the same way about Shakeology? Curious in your thoughts.
DeleteActually I should be more accurate I agree with clean eating and of course regular exercise. But as a convenient meal replacement/pre/post workout.
DeleteMe too!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@marylud silva,
DeleteI'm not familiar enough on Shakeology to say. I would definitely avoid anything that has any of the terminology list above, but of utmost importance consult your doctor about it. I will say as an occasional replacement, it's definitely going to be better than a permanent routine.
I think so the rest of us can read these "facts" you should post a link or foot note as to where you got them from. Most people do that.
DeleteIf you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to lose the weight. I have changed my eating habits completely and exercise everyday, my weight pretty much stays the same and I've been doing this for about 2 months now.
DeleteMuch of my information was gathered by conversation with professionals. However, you can easily obtain the ingredients to their products on their website. Just be sure to research what each ingredient is, and how many names it goes by, and what it really means.
As for the business portion, some of my intel is from herbalife personnel themselves, others from the Ackman vs. Herbalife case.
To name a few.
DeleteI will do my best to reply to you via email shortly with my diet and exercise details. In short, it took me 6 months to lose 53lbs, I actually was back to my pre-baby size by 4 months, but I've since built muscle mass, providing a much more "toned" look if you will. I promise to get back to you in depth ASAP. Thanks for reaching out!(:
you can email me too with that info ;)
DeleteTHANK YOU! I'm a nutrition major with 1/2 of the damn people in my classes pushing this nonsense to the teachers!!!!!! you're in a nutrition class to learn how things ACTUALLY work with REAL food. Sure supplements have their place, but real supplements, and under close supervision of a trained professional when you may or may not be on your DEATH BED! I'm sharing this with as many people as possible because I couldn't (and I do try) have said it better myself!
DeleteI would like that info too if possible....I have also done herbalife but to get the results I want I have turned to hard work...I would love your advise
DeleteI would love that information too I have also tried herbalife but to get the results I want I have turned to the healthy way...I would love your advise
DeleteIf your not eating healthy then you arent doing Herbalife anyway. Eat well, use the shakes as nutrition, sell it if you want, use it to buy at discount.
DeleteWe all know that eating a healthy clean diet and exercise is the long term objective, but Herbal Life is a way to get started on that path of maintaining a clean diet.
DeleteWe all know eating clean and exercise is the long term solution. Herbal Life is an all natural product that will help people start eating clean and receiving all their daily nutrients until they can learn to grocery shop for clean foods. Herbal Life is a great thing!
DeleteI LOVE this post!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I appreciate the support! I'm glad to be able to inform people of the truth.
DeleteCan you please PM your daily diet and exercise please
DeleteI just have to say that being a bitch about Herbalife products is stupid. Some people like it. How can you say that what you just posted is the truth? It works for some people. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to write a lucrative blog post about how god awful you think it is.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to be a bitch, as you said. I'm just blunt. Oh well, call it what you want. I can say that what I posted is the truth, because it it. You're more than welcome to research these facts yourself. I didn't pull my statements out of a hat. My information is from doctors, nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, medical sports trainers, and the like. I'm not dumb, I'm not going to rant on a subject public for the world, unless I know my information to be true. That's great that some people like it, a lot of people do, but as you'll read above, that doesn't mean it's good for you. I don't apologize for stating the truth, however, if it truly upset you, I'm sorry. I hope that maybe you'll reconsider though, and instead of being offended be informed by it.
DeleteI have gone to a nutritionist and dietitians and have been hospitalized of ran eating disorder. I have been around experts that have never made a claim that herbalife was bad for you. I've discussed the product with them and it does not contain, as you say "poison". I could say eating regular food is poison because of pesticides but I don't. You're not preaching the truth you're preaching your opinion. I know many biologists that take the product and have found that there is nothing harmful about it except for maybe the price.
DeleteWhat's a ran eating disorder? Never heard of it...
DeleteI meant to put for an eating disorder. I know you feel confident about you're intelligence since you could point out that small little typo. Also this is a ridiculous blog. I don't care if you want to just eat regular food, if that works for you then go for it, but bashing on a successful company isn't a very smart idea. Especially when all you are fed is lies from this blogger.
DeleteI actually have a degree in nutrition, and my first advice to anyone is to get their nutrients from real food. Supplements are not absorbed the same way, and some not at all. The preservatives in shelf-stable powder are not good for you.
DeleteMaybe you should site your facts to backup your said "Truth" because, even though I agree that Herbalife is a load of crap, you saying "It's truth because it is; do your own research" without any kind of citations is ridiculous.......
There seems to be a wide array of opinions amongst experts then. If your doctors are encouraging you to use the products, well it's your body, you do what makes you happy. There's a reason poison is written as it is, crossed out implying a snarky bit of sarcasm. I didn't list the chemical formula for cyanide on there. It was another term for crap. Which I don't mean feces by, in case I need to clear that up. I understood the typo, and I'm sorry you've suffered that and if you've found something to help you out of that, well I won't knock you for it. I'm not a bitch, like you've previously stated. If you don't like my blog, you don't have to read it. I'm entitled to say what I please here, it is a free country and kind of the concept of a blog. I'm not spitting out lies, but if you feel this way, I promise you don't have to keep reading it.
@zach smiley:
As for citations or "backing my claims up" well, you see, I didn't just google or wiki facts my information. I sat down and discussed it with professionals, due to the fact that I didn't video our conversations I can't accommodate you with a video. You too, can go beyond your internet's search engine and talk to real people in the medical field if you so wish. It's crazy that you agree with me on the company, yet still find the need to bash.
@ jlriggin:
Thank you!!! No one seems to get that.
I also have a BS degree in nutrition and am a Registered and Licensed Dietitian. I completely agree with this post in that a LOT of diet supplements are a load of crap. I personally can't stand them but I'm not going to put you down for liking them or wanting to try them out. I sat through one of Herbalife's seminars and wanted to jump up and run out screaming (but I'm a polite person so I sat through it and slipped out during the break). Again, actual food and exercise is the best form of nutrition anyone could ever ask for. Yes, unfortunately there are a lot of additives in our foods now but that's why she is suggesting you buy local or organic, they don't go through neeeeeear as much processing as the mass produced food. Just like she said, with diet pills, you aren't learning how to eat healthy or keep the weight off by balancing your meals and exercising, you're relying on a pill. Are you really expecting to continue paying and taking this for the rest of your life? No. And when you get off of these pills, chances are you are going to gain it all back without proper nutrition. Lastly, yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and some dietitians or nutrition professionals believe that these products are okay. Unfortunately, some (not all since we seem to be so literal) are involved in pyramid schemes such as this one and are all about pushing products. It's very sad since they can potentially be so harmful to your body. Sorry this response was so long!
DeleteThank you for adding your professional opinion. I've listened to the seminars too, and it made me sick to my stomach. Sure, a majority of their people are probably naive to any negativity, and mean no harm, and to them I apologize for offending them, and I hope they better educate themselves. Thanks again for the feedback.
I have also suffered an eating disorder most of my life and have mentioned Herbalife at one of my weekly appointments with my nutritionist who had explained to me how unhealthy these fad shakes are, along with a long list of other well known and well marketed "health" shakes. She advised me to stick to good clean wholesome foods when I could manage, with plenty fruit and veg and slowly started to build up my weight and food consumption. In my own opinion, eating disorder or no eating disorder, leaning on genetically modified food products and chemicals does not resolve any persons food/weight issues. You are not resolving them you are avoiding them.
DeleteHaha thanks for the laugh! I love your contradiction, and your ability to back up your claims reminds me of essays I wrote in 4th grade! All good though, your opinions are exactly that! It seems that possibly you had a bad experience on herbalife it happens, no one is perfect! What I can say is my results are life changing and the money I'm making now is life changing! 1 bad story to 65+ million success stories! 34 years in business and we grow 1 Billion dollars a year! I'll take those facts any day over a few bad apples! The government must agree...say what you want but I think it's safe to say our government is smart enough to shut down an illegal company after 34 years?? Hasn't happened has it?! Anyways hope your processed "organic" sweet potatoes taste great :) I'll get back to drinking my shake! Best of luck in your blog life!
ReplyDeleteLikewise. I am able to back up my claims, as you called them. My information is from doctors, nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, medical sports trainers, and the like. I'm not dumb, I'm not going to rant on a subject public for the world, unless I know my information to be true. I have not had a bad experience with Herbalife (excluding the annoyance from hearing sales pitches), because I choose not to use the products. Your numbers may be convincing to some, but I'm not impressed. Are you aware of how much many the cigarette/tobacco industry makes? That doesn't make smoking good for you. Success stories are awesome, what happens when these winners stop taking the products? Now I must ask how educated you are on this company you rave about? You just mentioned it "hasn't been shut down in 34+ years"... Wrong! When your lovely founder started the company he made false claims about how these products cured cancer and shrank tumors, as well as other inflated comments about the products, they were suited by the California Attorney General for these lies and the FDA ordered they no longer advertise in this way Jan order to continue on the market. I'll also clue you in on another tidbit, the founder Mark Hughes died of a drug and alcohol overdose... Sounds like someone who gives a whole lot of care about their health and nutrition. It's a deck of cards waiting to crumble. Thanks for the well wishes on my food (which you have no idea where I get it, so can't make any negative implications toward.) Go ahead and enjoy your shake and your money you've made, I hope you've put some aside for insurance when you've got health issues later on from consuming this crap. Thanks for stopping by and having a read, good day!
DeleteIn my circle of family and friends, I personally know 16 people who have been trapped into this herbalife fad in the last few years. Out of those, only 2 are still in it! Those 2 people also happen to be the most recent recruits and have only been at it for a couple of months, and struggling I must add. It is common knowledge that pyramid structured companies only benefit the people at the very top. For everyone else, its a waste of money and time. If you really are an "herbalife coach" then I think its both sad and irresponsible that you would knock healthy eating and exercise as the most effective path to weight loss. This is a FACT supported by DOCTORS and other healthcare professionals that have studied food and nutrition for years and years and across the globe. I will personally take advise from these individuals any day over a person who has sat through a seminar or two.
On a positive note, thanks for the read! I really enjoyed it and could not agree anymore. I see people I care about fall into this trap over and over. It's actually pretty sad. I hope more people go out there and invest their money into something that will be worth their time. For those people who are looking to lose weight, I wish there weren't so many companies looking to make a quick buck out of their vulnerability. Thankfully, I notice more and more people are educating themselves through the right sources and are putting in the work to make the correct changes in their life. Even if the results take longer, they are also more permanent!
DeleteThank you so much for the support and real life examples of what really happens. It is so sad, that someone who claims to care about health and wellness tries to say good food and exercise don't cut it. It's even more sad how many people fall for it!): I hope only to encourage others do eat right and work out, do things the right way.
These products aren't fda approved which is why shake shops don't advertise herbalife on their windows and windows are also shaded to "hide" whats inside and that is information from an herbalife distributor and shake shop owner
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI had to go back an re read my comment...sure enough I mentioned nothing about eating and exercise isn't good enough! Herbalife is a healthy aide to eating right and living an active lifestyle! No I'm not an expert or a Doctor, sure I have been to a few seminars and will go to many more in the future, yes I am in my last semester of school majoring in kinesiology, I would definitely listen to what a nutritionist has to say and sure there are bad seeds in Herbalife! What grinds my gears about this blog you write has nothing to do with Herbalife or the products itself, but how you classify all of us as Un educated low life theives who are brainwashed into a thought process. I know those were not your exact words but my point is we can go back and forth all day about fact vs. Opinion but at the end of the day you can not argue someone's story, someone's passion and conviction! I'm happy you found what works for you and yes its a healthy way. I applaud you but please don't be critical of how someone else lost weight and changed there lifestyle! Flip rolls I'm sure it would bother you!
DeleteAs far as the FDA comment I can't speak for all of the "this and that" of what people have heard about herbalife or what other distributors have said but research the info.. FDA approves drugs and regulates food. Herbalife is considered a food.
haha these nutjobs sound like scientologists. Running from the truth, content in their delusions
DeleteShe is not criticizing herbal life.......as if she is making emotional remarks, or "disses". She is disproving them. Don't be mad because you are taking herbal life and you look normal.....while she is putting in hard work and she is ripped. Maybe you could do better too with real food and a little effort in the gym?
DeleteI absolutely love this! I do not nor never have done herbalife but I have fallen for the "weight loss" schemes of other products and been VERY let down!! I just recently started drinking ALOT of green teas less carbs and no sugar OTHER than NATURAL honey and not much of it and Ive lost 11 lbs!!! I don't really work out as much as I should and I get to where I give up for a few days because I haven lost anymore weight but the second I realized I gained 2 lbs back I kick my butt in gear and things like this help keep me motivated!!! Thanks for taking the time to post for us!!! DONT listen to duds like the above commenter!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support! I swear, if people would just give real food and exercise a chance, they'd realize IT WORKS. Just as you have stated! I'm glad you're not fooled by them. Props on the healthy weight loss, and I'm glad I can be encouraging in any way. I knew the heat was coming when I posted this, but I'm armed with knowing my facts to be true, my education to be solid, and confidence in myself and the ability to say what others don't always want to hear. Thanks for the dismissal of said duds, but they don't bother me.(:
DeleteSounds to me she's got her Facts in order, No one likes hearing the truth especially if they are making crazy amounts of money behind it.
ReplyDeleteThank you, and agreed! Notice the people backfiring use or sell the product. I'd be mad too...
DeleteI absolutely love love love this article!!! Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I appreciate the positive feedback!(:
DeleteThank you for this information! I was really considering herbalife but wanted to do research because it seemed too good to be true.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading and the positive reply. It's smart to go with your gut, I'm glad you have. With anything in life, do research beyond what the sales person is telling you. Their mind is on commission, not others. Healthy foods and exercise, I swear by it... and I don't make a dime by telling you that.(:
DeleteWhen posting a blog, you may want to have your facts straight....
ReplyDelete1) Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme because income is based off of product sales and dowline product sales, not recruiting (you may want to do your research before posting)
2) As far as finances are concerned, I made over $530 my first month (when I was "at the bottom") and made close to $4000 last month.
3) When it comes to the "you gain it all back" part, OF COURSE you will gain it back if you go back to eating like crap, but there is nothing in the products that makes you dependent on them to maintain your weight.
4) We encourage a healthy, active lifestyle and have multiple programs for different needs, including helping those with eating disorders, to gain healthy weight.
just wanted to put some legitimate information on this site since you neglected to do that.
You said that Herbalife is not a pyramid "because it is based on product sales and downline product sales, not recruiting."
DeleteHow did you get the downline? Are those people who signed up under you? Did you ask them to sign up under you?
That's called recruiting. If someone is under you, and someone under them and so on, that's a pyramid or MLM, multi-level marketing.
If you are making money off someone else's sales, that's a pyramid.
You may want to have your facts straight...
I'll say the same to you.
Delete1.) Do you or do you not make money recruiting someone and them making sales? You'll have to forgive me a bit, if I'm misinformed on how exactly that works. I'm stating based off what I've been told BY HERBALIFE COACHES, when they've attempted to get me to join. So either, you're full of it or others of your kind are. You pick.
2. Great for you! Those aren't the typical results I've seen by many others selling it. Perhaps you're higher on the food chain, props.
3. Thank you for admitting the weight comes back if you stop, meaning you've got these suckers hooked for life. Smart business move, hope you sleep well at night. You might, but you're probably in the dark about a lot of your own company.
4. I've talked with several people who've done it, and the products are encouraged more than any healthy habits. Sure, exercise "but use this aid to make it better. More energy, muscle building, bla bla bla". They could save the time, money, and most importantly their health and just do the good food and fitness part of it.
And thank you, @stan britton, that's exactly my point. She's obviously got a veil over her eyes.
DeleteSo what your saying basically corporate America as a whole is a pyramid scheme mlm??at the end of the day though, Any way you look at it and what ever your thoughts are on herbalife that's fine, because we're not going anywhere but higher than we already are! Bantering back and forth amongst everyone does nothing! It's a waste! You like it or you dont! End of story!
DeleteActually, corporate America is not structured that way. Recruiting people is not a crime. However, when your income depends on someone elses sales, I think there's reason to question how much of their interest you really have at heart. Thankfully through posts and blogs such as this one, I am more than convinced more people will finally out Herbalife for the cheap scam that it is. Oh and by the way, her facts are very much back up. I'm not even sure where she is from but here in Miami, FL I have spoke to 2 Drs regarding this product and a nutritionist at Baptist Health who both almost yelled at me to stay away from it.
DeleteThank you Sasha! That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I definitely appreciate your support! However, like he said I won't continue with bickering. If people are still for it after educating themselves, I can't stop them and it's not my issue.
DeleteAlthough I do respect your opinion about the products, I have to say that your concept of an illegal pyramid is a little off. An illegal pyramid exists when new money has to come in from new recruits without the sale of products to the general public. The fact that people actually buy their products without having to join the business excludes the company from falling under the "illegal pyramid scheme" label. It actually gets a little more intricate than this, but generally, it is a legal pyramid. Having said that: @StanBritton, corporate America does in fact follow a pyramid structure. Revenues are completely based off of sales of products. The term used for recruiting in the corporate world is hiring. Some businesses only offer commission while others offer salary or hourly wages, or some combination of the two. It's in the corporate world where the ones at the top really do benefit the most, MLMs just help to distribute some of that wealth. While a great majority of people who attempt to run these businesses as their own end up failing, it is possible to be successful. But it requires a great amount of effort and motivation, not just to run the business, but to develop the skills to be successful.
DeleteThis is why people fail, not because it's a scam, but because they fail to develop the adequate sales skills to be successful in business.
Actually Aubrey,
DeletePerhaps you should venture over to the FBI's website and read their definition of pyramid scheme.....from FBI.gov
Sounds eerily familiar doesnt it?
At the heart of each pyramid scheme is typically a representation that new participants can recoup their original investments by inducing two or more prospects to make the same investment. Promoters fail to tell prospective participants that this is mathematically impossible for everyone to do, since some participants drop out, while others recoup their original investments and then drop out.
And for Mr. Jason
You're exactly right, our big and powerful government is smart enough to recognize a pyramid scheme...
Great blog!!! ViSalus, Herbalife, Advocare....all the same garbage
As an RD and someone with a fair amount of experience in the field I can tell you there is so much wrong with this article. First, you cite no scientific studies to back your claims. You were just bashing Herbalife for doing that so it looks like we have a hypocrite amongst us. Second, it's clear you have no clue how the governing agencies work. The FTC, AG, or SEC would handle marketing, sales, or labeling issues. I'll let you look them up on your own. The FDA does not and never has regulated supplements so they would not require Herbalife to do anything. It may help you to talk to some real experts instead of just your buddy who is a trainer at the local 24 hour. Poorly written with no legit information. A for effort F for execution.
ReplyDeleteI agree as well as aubrey.
DeleteAs for citations or "backing my claims up" well, you see, I didn't just google or wiki facts my information. I sat down and discussed it with professionals, due to the fact that I didn't video our conversations I can't accommodate you with a video. You too, can go beyond your internet's search engine and talk to real people in the medical field if you so wish. My information was gathered by discussions with actual doctors, GPs, OBGYN, pediatricians, medical sports trainers, and so on. Not trainers at a gym, but thanks for trying.
DeleteAs for government regulations...
The FDA, under the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for the regulation of foods, drugs, dietary supplements, biological medical products, blood products, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics. With respect to dietary supplements, the FDA, under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, can only take action against manufacturers if their dietary supplements are proven unsafe. Manufacturers can legally claim their products have health benefits, however, they cannot claim these products diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
That last part is what happened. You can research the history of the company and the suits filed against it, before claiming I don't understand.
I'm with you Dean! I posted my own response below! Glad to have Lauren and you as friends and motivators!
DeleteAnd this my friends is what we call... knocking it out of the park. Very informative, slightly opinionated, but most of all true. Btw, the ingredients aren't defined as dependent, but you DO immediately gain the weight back because those altered compounds are not present in ANY natural food. You literally HAVE to start over because your body became "fit" using something you can no longer provide. Great stuff, Blakeley.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the read and support! I know it's very opinionated, but that's my personality. I appreciate the positive feedback!(:
DeleteYour article received great applause on my facebook as well, and even informed some friends that were thinking about trying Herbalife. Your work goes farther than you think. :)
DeleteThank you so much! I appreciate hearing that it is doing positive work. Those were my intentions! I never realized it would go so far, but I'm sure glad it is has!
DeleteYou know chlorine is in table salt right? NaCl, sodium chloride? Chlorine is not deadly and it's ion for is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. Chlorine GAS (Cl2) is poisonous, but that's a different matter all together. If you did some research instead of just spouting off your uninformed opinions, then maybe you would actually have some credibility.
ReplyDeleteI am aware, I do try to avoid over consumption of it as well. I also listed it with several other ingredients combined. I'm wondering why the need for these chemicals, when real food an exercise does the trick?
DeleteThe need for artificial sweeteners and the like is simple:
DeletePeople want to continue to drink soda, but don't want to gain weight because of it. The same can be said for sweetened tea, coffee, lemonade, etc.
People don't want bland drinks, and I don't blame them. Water is great. It's fine to drink water. But most people can't just drink water all the time. It's boring, and we want something else.
Many believe that artificial sweeteners make us eat more. I am of the opposite opinion. As long as you are aware of what you are eating, and the calories and nutritional value of your foods, artificial sweeteners are fine. The amount it would take to cause any kind of carcinogenic effect (like the ones that the lab rats developed in the studies most people base their "artificial sweeteners are bad!" argument off of) is ridiculous. 200+ sodas a day for years, and that's assuming that our bodies will react the same as the rats, which we, of course, don't know.
Diet soda is not a cure-all for weight loss. 3 Big Macs and a diet coke will not help you lose weight. However, a meal made up of rice, chicken breast, broccoli, and grapes, with an addition of a diet soda, is still a healthy meal.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much for this. I am a chiropractor who only sells whole-food supplements that are 3rd party tested for purity to her patients. If I get one more person asking me if I will sell Herba-junk, Zeal, etc, I'll flip out on them. I challenge every one of these people to bring me documentation of where the ingredients came from, does the farm they grow on use pesticides (mine don't), does the farm own their own airspace so airplanes cannot fly over the field (mine do), what the ingredients are and their effects on the body, and strangely enough I've never had anyone return. Any of my patients who take this are quickly given the same challenge, and most choose to quit (not all, you can lead a horse to water...) Anyways, thanks for your comical and great opinion!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome to hear, I love knowing there are others not only challenging it, but also providing better alternatives. Thanks for the positive feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!(:
DeleteOne more thing, yall can be eating healthy but you don't have cellular nutrition. ��
DeleteHerbalife as well as many other supplements are 3rd party tested. You can check out BSCG
DeleteThis girl just has enough information to be dangerous. I love how she only talks about one product. The protein drink mix or PDM which truthfully is one of herbalife ' s weaker products. There are better and much more expensive protein powders out there but to call it poison is absolutely false. I've been using Herbalife since September with fantastic results. I have lost over 40lbs. In addition to needing to lose weight I also had chronic pain, anxiety, acid reflux, digestive issues and muscle spasms. All of which required me to take prescription drugs multiple times per day. I have not had any of the side effects mentioned except maybe some bloating when I began increasing my water intake to 80+ ounces per day. My doctor has monitored my progress and has taken me of all of my medications. I can also say that my wellness coach encourages exercise and adopting healthier eating habits. I am learning about proper nutrition and have started working out regularly because of Herbalife. I commend people who have time to devote to meeting with nutritionalists and trainer's and going to the gym 5 X's a week. I am not one of those people. I am a Clinical Director of a counseling facility working 50 + hours a week. I started swapping my Starbucks in the morning and afternoon with a shake and a tea. I kept doing it because I had more engery and I continue because I feel great and look better than I have in years. I have met some great people since I started Herbalife. Some make a little money some make a lot. I make a few hundred dollars a month which pays for my products and gets me a mani/pedi every couple weeks with little to no effort and I'm good with that. I hope this blog doesn't discourage anyone from trying herbalife. Please do your own research or talk to your doctor before you walk away.
I simply used the shake as an example, it is one of the most common things I've seen users with. I could have gone on for every product, but felt I made my point. I truly am happy to hear that all of your physical health problems have subsided. I wish no one bad health or issues, in fact that's why I posted this. I do believe, with good exercise and healthy eating alone, you could achieve the same results. I'm also happy to hear your coach is suggesting/teaching healthy ways in other things. However, with the distributors I've seen, this is not the case. You're lucky on that one. I still say could achieve your goals without products, but your life your choice.
DeleteIts like none of you read this. She listed the ingredients found in your "health" products and its all crap and horrible for you. if you want scientific evidence look it up yourselves its out there. Also of course you people making money don't agree or hello you wouldn't be scamming people. You all would probably sell ice to an Eskimo if you could convince them it makes you lose weight! Awesome article and very informative! Just ignore their stupid comments!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! I'd be frustrated too, if someone was knocking what I was trying to sell. If they don't like what I have to say, they can go on with their lives. What matters to me is the people I affect in a positive manner, their happy responses far outweigh any of the negative ones. Thanks for your support!(:
DeleteWhile you make some general valid arguments about weight loss, a lot of the science you use to back it up is wrong.
ReplyDeleteMono+diglycerides are not automatically trans fat. Trans fat is based on the specific configuration of the double bond between one or more of the carbon groups. Trans is basically when the groups fall on opposite sides of each other while cis is when they fall on the same side. Naturally-occurring fatty acids occur in cis-conformation, so your body doesn't break down trans that well and is stored more. ALL unsaturated mono+di+tri+etc-glycerides are cis or trans. You're correct that trans-fat is "bad" for you but your explanation is horrible and you can't say these products all have trans-fat unless the package specifically says. The FDA requires all packing to mention any trans-fat now. Seeing "monoglyceride' just means there is some fat in the food/drink.
Your sucralose explanation is completely wrong. Chloride does not kill your gut flora. Do you know what table salt is? Sodium chloride (NaCl). Chloride is naturally occurring in most foods, drinks, etc. It is an essential electrolyte to life. Specifically, it aids water movement in your gut.
Canola and cottonseed oils and wheat protein are good for you in appropriate amounts. Oils can be high in calories, but calories are not necessarily a bad thing. Generally speaking, oils are unsaturated fats that reduce your bad cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol.
Your general statements about appropriate dieting and exercise are valid. You should exercise while trying to lose weight because it builds and maintains your muscle, which both burns calories and also speeds up your metabolism. If you lose weight only through dieting and not exercising as well, you also burn muscle mass and your metabolism slows down. So when you start eating a normal diet again you will actually gain more weight faster than before. You are correct about "starvation" mode. To expand on that, that's why it's good to eat many small meals throughout the day to avoid entering starvation mode. If you eat nothing all day and then have a huge dinner, your body thinks you will not eat again for a long time so it will store more calories than necessary. Although most cultural norms are against this, it's even better to eat larger meals earlier in the day (i.e. breakfast). Large breakfast, medium-sized lunch, and small-sized dinner so your body burns more calories during the day. When you eat a lot at the end of the day, you go to sleep soon after, burn less of those calories, and your gut movements are essentially in slow-mo so the food just sits in your gut and you absorb more calories when asleep.
So, anyways, some of your general advice was good, but much of your science" that you use to back is wrong.
It cracks me up when people say Herbalife isn't a pyramid scheme, when it is in fact the exact definition of a pyramid scheme...I totally agree with you. How many times do people have to be told fad diets don't work before they believe it? And of course, I mean works in the long run, because if I drank shakes for every meal instead of eating real food, I'd lose weight too. It's similar to diet pills to me - I assume you're not going to take these for the rest of your life, so you're most likely going to gain all of it back when you stop.
ReplyDeleteNice blog!
Thank you! Agreed! I appreciate the positive feedback!(:
DeleteInteresting how you pick and choose which posts to respond to. The poster above completely put you in your place and you skip that one and say thank you to this post. You are completely ..and I mean COMPLETELY unable to be equal, fair and unbiased. You, my dear, reek of agenda. .
DeleteYou look sick in your pictures. Probably just as bad as the last winner of The Biggest Loser. You're advice is sound, but your backup is lame. Are YOU a nutritionist? Do you have the science to back what you say up? Why don't you stop criticizing Herbalife and start promoting a healthy looking body image. You're wasting your time.
ReplyDeleteexactly my thought!
DeleteHow does she look sick? She has abs. And there's no one type of body. Not everyone is going to lose weight and have a flat rib/stomach ratio like say, Miley Cyrus. I know someone from high school that has the same body type as Blakeley. And a 'healthy looking body image'? So basically you're saying that hey, you could've lost the weight by having an eating disorder but as long as you look healthy that's okay! What's important is self-love. Loving your body no matter what it looks like. Because we are all going to end up old and wrinkly with saggy butts and boobs.
DeleteBack up your statement with citations from reliable sources and people will probably accept your OPINION on this. Until then, you are making claims based off of your own statements while saying you can back it up.....yet you don't......
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is disagreeing with this post is delusional. Take time to actually EDUCATE yourself. Herbalife was made to target uneducated and lower class woman to make them believe that they can quickly loose weight and make money. Take the time to research who actually started Herbalife and how much money he has made for himself in a very selfish manner. I went to a pretty renowned University and studied Mass Communication and Marketing and this whole pyramid scheme is a perfect example of how you can control uneducated people into thinking they are going to change the world and be rich, when only they are going to make Michael Johnson, the CEO of Herbalife, have more money he can put towards his yachts and new cars, while those slaves to him who are posting to their Facebook's will never have. EDUCATE YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!!!! The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me and I applaud you for having the audacity to make this post, as I have thought the EXACT same thing each time I log into my Facebook and see the PATHETIC posts from many of my fellow high school classmates about Herbalife. I will now proudly share this on my Facebook wall.
ReplyDeleteOh and P.S. I think you look amazing in your pictures and far from sick... You look healthy and all those who think otherwise should lay off the fast food.
If you want some "citations" and "evidence".... here's a perfect example from The New York Times, maybe you've heard of it.
Agreed! Thank you for the positive feedback and good points. I also appreciate the links as well, they all seemed to really struggle with that part. ha.
DeleteThanks for the compliment as well, I'm very proud and confident with my body, so for them to attempt to insult me there is pointless beyond pointless. Thanks again for the support!(:
Love this blog and totally agree with what is said in it. My sister sold herbalife briefly back in the 90's and yes lost weight but promptly put it back on when she stopped. She never made any real money as they promised would happen so long as they recruited etc as any profits were swallowed up trying to sell the stuff and cart it round to buyers.
ReplyDeleteShe now runs regularly and eats clean, she has naturally lost weight, looks stunning. After researching what goes into the food available, she made the choice to eat organically where possible and not buy processed rubbish.
Thank you for the support, and real examples of what happens.
DeleteQuestion: What is your daily regime for food intake? Do you take any supplements? (pre workout,post workout etc.. )Be Honest. Where do you shop for food?
ReplyDeleteI agree with clean eating and working out but I would like to know those answers if you don't mind?
As mentioned above, her general statements and overall message is good but her attempt to explain the science behind it is wrong. Read some of the above posts for specific clarifications of her bad science.
ReplyDeleteIt's common for patients to justify their opinions by using the blanketed statement "it's supported by doctors, specialists, etc." Generally what happens is the patient leaves the appointment with a partial understanding of the science/problem and then fills in the gap with inaccurate Internet sources. We see this all the time in medicine. While the Internet is a good tool for information, it also disseminates a lot of bad info and the lay person doesn't know how to discern the good from the bad. Anyways, in this case, at least the author is sending an overall good message even though her scientific explanations are utterly wrong.
Do you understand what it takes to get listed on the NYSE? Are the shakes more healthy than the fast food that so many americans eat daily? Herbalife is far more than shakes and you clearly dont understand that BUT you are getting hits on your blog which was the main reason for the post.
ReplyDeleteBefore you pretend to understand how to interpret the law, you have to understand the law. So since you have no legal background what-so-ever...very obvious by your post, you might spend some time on the FTC website to understand even the basics of what you're trying to talk about. Unfortunately, your nutritional understanding is following close behind in complete ignorance. I wish Google had a dumbass filter.
ReplyDeleteand this statement "That's genetically modified soy". Herbalife specifically uses a non-GMO soy in it's product, So let's add dishonest to your incompetence. Or maybe one causes the other :).
ReplyDeleteLet's expand on your ignorance ""a form of investment (illegal in US & elsewhere) in which each paying participant recruits two further participants, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones.""
There is no contribution in Herbalife. There is a product sale and if you knew the law you'd know that retail sales are at the heart of whether it's a legal network marketing company or a pyramid scheme. Did you just "wiki" this definition...this appears to be the extent of your legal search. Good job on understanding how to google page 1 :). Most of your "research" (dumbass theories), seems to come from there. Google smart...not.
Thank you for holding good composure through so many snarky comments. People obviously don't know how to disagree without being rude. Not to mention it is a blog! Good grief, nobody is being forced to read this.
ReplyDeleteYou mean snarky like her entire article. To disagree with someone without being rude. So was this directed at the author of the articles or the comments...just curious :).
DeleteThank you! I won't lower myself to petty arguments. No sense in stapling water to a tree.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAs a person using Herbalife and being a member to get the discount, i have to say i do not agree with 90% of what you are saying. I have a B12 deficiency and RA and was overweight from having 3 kids and not being able to loose weight bc of the B12 and RA. I have a great Herbalife Coach who has taught me how to eat healthy meals and how to substitute those meals with shakes to help loose weight. I have also joined 3 free fit camps (which are free to the public and you do not have to take the prdoucts) to excersize given by my fellow herbalifers. Since I've been on the products I've chosen to take i have been able to get rid of my meds such as humira, hydrocodine, and have been abke to reduce my B12 shots fron 3x to 1x a month. I no longer am in physical pain and can actually move. Yes their will always be uneducated people in every buisness trying to make a quick buck, they generally do not last long. There are people such as myself who do eat healthy everyday (tried to workout ) but couldnt from the amount of pain i was in, and had health proffesionals trying to crame toxic drugs with multiple side effects and still couldn't loose weight. I have had great results from the products and no i do not take them every day i am human and eat reg healthy meals with my family.
ReplyDeleteSorry to bring this up, but your B12 deficiency and RA had nothing to do with your weight. B12 deficiency causes neurologic dysfunction and macrocytic anemia. RA is an inflammatory autoimmune diseases affecting joints. RA could indirectly make it harder to lose weight since constant joint pain makes it harder to exercise, but it is not directly causing you to gain weight. Proper pain management and an individualized workout plan specific to your difficulties should get around that.
DeleteI can understand how proper exercise may strengthen your muscles and decrease your joint pain, thus needing less pain meds. I don't know why you would stop taking Humira, though. Humira is specifically treating the immune component of RA, which would not be affected by diet and exercise. You're sorta asking for more RA exacerbations by stopping that. I'm speculating here, but maybe your doctor has you on different anti-inflammatory meds which may work better for you than Humira. Regardless, Herbalife has no effect on that.
I am pro-herbalife and a "coach" (distributor) that has had results. I do think it is a pyramid scheme or MLM and have seen how it works for some and not for others. As with any job it seems to be you get out what you put into it. And wait, if you want to get REALLY technical, isn't every company multi-level? Multi-level distribution of work with usually a CEO at the top getting paid the most just because they are the CEO? Think about it! However, I DON'T think it works for everyone. Everyone's body reacts differently. I love how the author of this blog makes it sound like an herbalife plan is designed to make you drink shakes only (her reference to anorexia etc).... WRONG! Every coach I know personally, and I can't account for everyone, encourages you to eat 5 times a day (3 healthy meals and 2 healthy snacks to keep your metabolism going)! Shakes are meant only as a healthy option for those meals or snacks. For someone like me 2 of my meals or snacks are shakes. I agree with everything Katie said, especially that you should only get personal training advice from certified people and doctors (preferably those with a degree --- knowledge is key!). If you want to try out the product, I see no problem (and it's probably a good idea) to run it by your physician. One last thing for my 2 cents on the subject since this has gone viral, everything at some point was considered "crap" for your body. Remember when it was decided raw eggs were bad for you, then a few years later studies proved opposite? Then "experts" said that using deodorant can give you cancer (hello Matthew McConohey)? That standing in front of a microwave was bad for you? Oh yeah and at one point all the medicines people use today were once an experiment.... which by the way almost all have side effects.
ReplyDeleteP.S. All the anti-soy protein people, go ask a vegetarian what all their protein substitutes consist of..... betting soy is one of them.
END RANT :) Best of luck on your fitness lifestyle! To each their own!
Preach it sister!
ReplyDeleteThank you!(:
DeleteThis is fantastic. I love how people who dislike this article read the whole thing so they could try to nitpick every detail to try to argue it, and I love how they claim to be nutritionists or some other crap we are supposed to believe. There is A LOT of proof out there to back up your claims in this article, yet people still want to try to argue that you're wrong because they've been fed so many lies before reading. Truth is, I fell for this Herbalife crap, as well as some other BS weight-loss supplements out there. Even though I lost some weight and was working out more frequently than before I started using these products, I actually felt MORE sluggish than before. I left town for 2 months for work and returned 5 lbs heavier than when I left, even though I worked out every single day I was on travel. For some reason, I didn't even think of going back to Herbalife products when I came back, I just started working out 5 times a week and eating real, healthy food. It has been about 6 weeks now and I've already lost 14 lbs (hint: I only had about 20 lbs I could lose, I wasn't some obese person with 200 lbs of excess fat), and this includes breaking my diet every weekend to eat out. Fact of the matter is, a healthy diet with REAL food is what your body wants. Maybe in a few hundred years evolution will cause our bodies to like pharmaceutical supplements, but in today's world, our bodies need REAL food to maintain good health. There is so much controversy surrounding these supplements, but there is NO arguing that a healthy diet from real foods is good for you. I'm just glad a friend posted this blog to Facebook so I could be reminded to throw my useless supplements in the trash where they belong :) Thank you so much Blakeley.
ReplyDeleteHer overall message is good. The key to weight loss are proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle modification. These binge-weight loss programs are not good for you and she's right most people gain the weight back.
DeleteUnfortunately, she falters when she tries to explain the science behind it. She is completely wrong on most of her explanations, which some ppl pick up on and thus discredit her entire post. She should remove the scientific explanations and the direct bashing on this diet company so ppl only see the general message she is trying to send.
Since February 13th, I am 21 pounds lighter due to just plain old clean eating. No gimmicks, no shakes, no CRAP. Awesome post. I am on my own journey from being morbidly obese and eating this way is what research and FACTS has led me to. (bowing to you)
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome to hear, props to you!!! Thanks for the positive feed back! Keep on keeping on with your successful and healthy lifestyle!(:
DeleteHow is it possible that you lost 21 pounds in 12 days?????
DeleteHe stated that he's morbidly obese. When you're heavier, your weight loss at first is quicker. It won't be like that for long though. This happened to a friend of mine too. When she started eating healthy and exercise, she lost weight quicker at first than I had because she was heavier.
DeleteAlso to Dayvid- congrats and I'm glad you are becoming healthy by just eating right!
The fact is that this is an opinionated blog supported by logical reasoning and backed with real life answers from as she said many professionals in a feild that would definitely know more about nutrition than a bunch of 20 something's that are backing a product that is pretty much a lazy way of losing weight, when you could eat clean (the foods you KNOW are good for you but you're too lazy to cook or go out and buy) do your research on healthy foods and exercise the right way and regularly. I find this article extremely helpful in keeping my body healthy. She provided excellent information even though it wasn't cited, which really doesn't matter to me because a LOT of what she said is just pure logic if you think about it. For all of those nitpickers and people who just read the article to provide backhanded and unnecessary and rude comments, you didn't have to read it. If you dont agree maybe try making a supported and professional standpoint against her instead of lashing out. A heated debate is always better than hearing a bunch of people yell out "you're a bitch" because they can't think of a way to support their reasoning.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of Shakeology?
ReplyDeleteFantastic read. Hopefully another nail in the coffin for Herbashite.
ReplyDeletePeople really aren't getting the main point here that all herbalife, juiceplus etc products are basically a chemical cocktail. Real food is the only way.
Thank you, I appreciate the support! I too, hope it is exposed for what it is.
DeleteJust curious, have you ever taken a (college) nutrition class? (college) exercise physiology? anything like that?
ReplyDeleteTo those of you who've commented:
ReplyDeleteFor starters, I was not anticipating the post to get the kind of publicity it did, contrary to some who think I "wrote it for views". My good and honest intentions were to inform others, I simply thought it would reach my social circle and hopefully spread to theirs. With that said, I in no way prepared for the volume of comments and messages. Now that is not saying I can't handle them or wasn't ready for negative feedback. There's just a lot of you, typing quickly. I do plan to reply to everyone, should your comment warrant it. Just have a bit of patience, as I do have a life that doesn't consist of me sitting in a comment feed for hours on end. However, if your comment is just plain uninformed, rude, and the like... Well, no sense in trying to staple water to a tree. For those who have insulted my pictures, calling my body "unhealthy and gross", or my favorite to "eat a cheeseburger."; your comments don't get to me. Seeing as I know I'm in tip top shape and got their the healthy way, I have confidence in my appearance and health, that insecure Internet trolls can't take away from me. Sorry! On a positive note, thank you to all of you that have supported this post with positive feedback, encouraging words, informative facts, and the like. I truly appreciate you! So, again, I'll reply when I can. Until then, have yourselves a delightful day/night.(:
So, I was actually about to order Herbalife and become part of the cult because everyone at my university does it, (honestly, I do not know anyone that isn't a distributor/addict) but this saved me. Seriously, you rock. I would have never thought to look into it this in depth. Guess the whole foods, healthy lifestyle sans crazy diet trends begins tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteso her( who has not even tried herbalife and knows nothing about it) saved you from trying it? wow. it amazes me how much stupidity there is in this world. dont believe everything you hear on the internet. i dont use it, ive thought about it though and probley still going too even after reading this retarded blog which she knows nothing about.
DeleteProps to you for educating yourself and reading my blog. I'm glad you didn't fall for it. I promise real food and exercise works, and I'm not getting paid to say that, so you know my intentions are honest. Please disregard the clearly uneducated commenter below, as she's trying to discredit me, yet can't put together a paragraph. To her I say cheers, enjoy your product.
What a shame you have stopped people from changing their lives for the better. I am a herbalife distributor and very proud to be so.I wonder where you will be in a few years time. Remember that is only the opinion of someone that obviously has an issue with people having a healthy life and a healthy bank balance....just remember when you put something like that out there for all to see ensure you get your facts right as you have just made yourself look like an idiot
ReplyDeleteYou've done an excellent job fending off the Herbasoldiers. You go girl!!
Lmfao it's so funny how people take mix and match words as they obviously please. Unless you have been doing herbalife then you know what the products can do to help you. PEOPLE DONT KNOW WHAT THEY DONT KNOW. But I mean you are OBVIOUSLY a DOCTOR that has done their research to try and put a successful company down just because you aren't successful. Herbalife has been around for 34 years and you know what people lie about the product saying that it doesn't work, gives you cancer, a 4th nipple. I've heard all of the excuses people make so they won't take it. It's very funny people just bandwagon. But then again everyone is a DOCTOR and knows sooooo much about herbalife. Yall are funny! (;
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ReplyDeleteBahahahaah this stuff cracks me up. It seems that you are well informed but are really full of crap. I can see that you've done extensive research on the industry, probably on your good old friend google (the worlds #1 search engine for broke people). The industry is known as Network Marketing and it's the 21st century way of doing business and a perfectly legitimate business. Pyramid Scheme? What corporation out there isn't shaped like a pyramid? Oh wait, that's right, they all are. Let me paint a picture for you...One CEO at the top with everyone else below. I wonder who makes all the money? As for recruiting, every successful corporation does it. Did you attend college? If so, guess what, you were recruited and you paid thousands and thousands of dollars for that little piece of paper called a degree that doesn't even guarantee you a job (guess that's why you spend your time blogging trying to bash legitimate companies)...hmm, universities must be pyramid schemes toooo. Ever had a legitimate job? If so, guess what, you were also recruited. Ever been in a relationship? Guess what, someone recruited the other hahaha That must be a scam toooo. If you'd do the right research you'd see that Network Marketing is supported by some of the worlds top billionaires and world renowned authors and speakers, (not gonna name any, feel free to do your own research) so I guess they're part of the scam too. Get your facts straight. It's people like you that give the industry a bad name, blabbing about things they don't even comprehend but think they do. In our industry we have special term for people like you, it's known as "IGNORANT" (you should google that too). But hey, you were at least a bit funny. Good try champ! :)
ReplyDeleteSo your saying you don't use Google? So you are intellectually above using Google? So you don't use Google at all? See how using questions in a condescending tone is very annoying? Hey buddy you may wanna get off that high horse before you fall off it ;)
DeleteThanks for pointing out the obvious. As for my high horse, well I'm not riding one but thanks for your concern. As for my research, well I use credible sources and don't just read and believe what everyone posts online, like this blog for example. Sad to say but there's a lot of ignorant people commenting on this blog agreeing with the "facts" that Blakely is stating. PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW. If only they would take the time to search for the right resources, but instead they choose to listen to someone who can write well and comes off as "informed" hahaha
DeleteI think its safe to assume most of the naysayers are either Herbalife users,coaches or they waste their money on other idiotic fad diets. Seriously how hard is it to just eat normal healthy meals? Are you that lazy that you can't cook or plan meals? Also the idiots saying "well Sodium chloride (NaCl) is just table salt, so its not bad for you." News flash, it is. A great alternative to it is either not to eat salt at all or eat sea salt. Any genius who took high school chemistry knows what table salt is. Stop trying to discredit Blakeley as some idiot when its obvious who the real idiots are. Learn some common sense and logic. Think for your own bodies and not what a product thinks you need.
ReplyDeleteI love "alot of people like it!" Comment.......... you could also say that about heroin
ReplyDeleteI love a few posts up "you don't know what it can do for you" (until you've tried it and paid money etc etc) that sounds like a Scientology recruitment line!
ReplyDeleteGetting healthy requires a good diet and exercise. Nothing more, nothing less. These silly fix it quick pills/plans/meals are equivalent of sticking a finger in a dam.
Its worrying how many people don't understand that healthy living is as simple as a good diet and exercise and not shoving manufactured crap down your throat!
I agree with you 100% that you can attain great results with proper nutrition and exercise. I am not an Herbalife rep nor have I ever tried the products. However you are misleading people with your statement that thn business is a pyramid scheme. Herbalife is a publicly traded company on the stock exchanges. Therefor it is government regulated.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as if you've tried MLM before and wasn't successful. MLM is actually no different than a regular corporate structure. Are there people that get involved and fail, yes. But most businesses, no matter the industry fail. The problem is most people believe MLM is the lottery. They never take the time to learn the skills necessary to succeed.
All that to say, be as thorough in your general research as you are in your health research before slandering businesses and professionals that take care of their families legally utilizing a business model that is not perfect, but better...
ReplyDeleteI congratulate you for losing weight and been healthy the natural way. This is the best way to go about losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. Not everyone can commit to buying food product, cooking and preparing them enough for each daily nutrient needs and I commend you for that. Even I as a health coach really dont have the time to do this EVERYDAY. Off days from work I can but others I cant and this is where herbalife comes in FOR ME.
I use herbalife products and I can tell you it has worked for me and for others.
The problem is a lot of "distributors" are going around telling people you can lose weight simply by taking herbalife product and not eating right and exercising thus creating a dependency. Herbalife has never claimed to cure or treat any diseases nor push their product to make people dependent on them. All it does is aides you in reaching your health goal by supplying your body healthy nutrient you can get from eating healthy foods if you weren't. Its sad lots of people are been told yes just take this and that and you will lose weight or you wont have your cancer anymore and blah blah blah just to make money. But at the end of the day like we all know, such are the ones that don't make it in any business. Every business requires skills, knowledge and a true drive to really help people. No company or enterprise or government, conditions, family, friends whatever should be blame for one's failure. No one but ourselves are to be blame.
It shows you're an intelligent person for taking the time to do research and speak to doctors and people about it. Know this though, everyone tells you their opinion and its just that, an opinion. Truth can only be measured by truth.
I wish you the best in your healthy lifestyle and continue to inspire more people to do the same.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFrom one inexpert to another. From someone who uses Herbalife. From someone who's struggled with weight loss and body image. From someone who declines your statements and google searched "facts." From someone who wants the truth to be told. From someone who wishes everyone would love their own bodies. From someone who supports healthy lifestyles. From your average woman:
As the author of the blog you're mentioning I feel compelled to respond. Before you panic, I'm not here to be rude. Though you came to my page and were. We are all entitled to own opinion, so I may write my blog just as freely as you may write yours.
DeleteI want to make two points here: with the first being, yes, everyone's bodies are different, everyone reacts to things differently. However, this is absolutely positively no argument that healthy real food and exercise can't work for everyone in achieving a healthy and fit body. Obviously this excludes those physically incapable of movement, such as the incredibly ill or handicapped. Do let me clarify, that is certainly not a criticism to them. The problem is, so many people want the fast or easy way out, and companies such as said one thrive on that. People give up all too soon on doing things the right way, because they don't see results over night, leaving them frustrated, and turning to things like product aids. So my first point is, that eating a balanced healthy diet of real foods and doing exercises for your body type goals is a fool proof way to lose, maintain, and gain weight for a healthy and fit body.
My second point, or question rather is this...
You came to MY blog to read MY opinion, then told me it was wrong. Only to turn around on YOUR blog to write YOUR opinion, but somehow you're allowed? I'm 100% in support of a positive body image for everyone, I hate that so many struggle with it, I've struggled with it for different reasons thought my life. So for you to post on here, like you're empowering women, and think body shaming is wrong, but simultaneously write comments about my pictures calling me "sick" "bad as the last winner of BL" "unhealthy". Not only did you completely contradict your own mantra, making you a hypocrite, you were completely insulting me and my body image. I NEVER criticized or mocked anyone's weight or image. Ever. Luckily, your comments were worthless to me, as my body is in tip top shape and clmetelt healthy, I'm very confident in it and myself. But shame on you for shaming me! I certainly hope you'd remove that behavior from your repertoire, before you actually hurt someone who's more sensitive than I.
This comment was not to start an argument, but simply to state my very valid points. That is all.
Amanda. Thank you for calling me out gently and being professional in doing so. My aim in writing this was to the women who's bodies are clearly not made to be like that physically. An unattainable body image is not a healthy one. I know many people my size who try and look like you everyday who continually hate on themselves. My aim is for people to love who they are where they are.
DeleteI can still have an opinion just as you can have you. But from what it sounds like, you have never used the Herbalife products and that is why I called you out. (not necessarily in the nicest way) but it angered me. That someone who have googled their findings and never experienced it for themselves was saying themselves. For the remarks- I am sorry. Congrats to your efforts on having a toned, thin body. That doesn't come easy.
Great read informative and funny..thanks very much. I have been banging on about HBl here in the UK for some time. Its seems everyone is a nutrition consultant and can advice vulnerable people on how to achieve their goals. Which i my opinion should never be weight based anyway...you have a new subscriber;)
ReplyDeleteI read the information and must agree with Blakeley. I am a certified fitness trainer and have been training clients for years, I am also a former collegiate athlete so I'm aware of supplements and other "dietary" supplements. I have plenty of friends who are associated with all types of products, including Herbalife and it has always bothered me that a company can just label someone a "wellness coach" although they have no experience or certifications to back that up. Why am I taking nutritional advice from a "wellness coach" who just decided yesterday that they were going to sell Herbalife and be considered someone that is qualified to sell these products and discuss the benefits of the supplements. I'm not completely knocking the product, although I never suggest supplements to my clients as I agree with the idea of healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes as oppose to magic pills and supplements (way better in long term). I do have a problem with how the company operates. "Hey you want to be a wellness coach?" Cool, no experience necessary, just sell this stuff and tell people how great it is, we will train you. Awesome concept huh, I think i'll sign up my 13 year old sister tomorrow so she can start giving advice to people on how to better their life with these supplements.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that the people who are making some good money with this don't have the client's best interest in mind. They want to make money and if selling these products makes you money then that's what you have to do, never mind the negative effects it could have in the long run, it's not like they have to see these people and be held responsible if things don't work out.
In the end, I think each person should take some time and do the research and then come up with a conclusion based on your research, your conversations, and your experiences. Who's to say who is right or wrong, but I bet you will feel more confident in your stance once you do the research yourself.
To each their own.
Great post Blakeley, and way to spark a debate....LOL
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to their own opinion. I am not apart of Herbal Life in anyway shape or form. I am a "Traditional Business" owner who does very well 800-2,500 a day in net profit.
However, I support companies like Herbal Life, Advocare, Vemma etc the list goes on. Many blog post bash these type of companies continually, calling these type of businesses Pyramid Schemes, to clear things up Pyramid Schemes are illegal in the United State therefore, the U.S government would immediately shut every single one of these companies down. Our government is well aware of these companies and continues to let them do business with the full understanding of there compensation plans and marketing efforts. Now that we can take that out of your vocabulary, we can talk about people losing money.
In your blog post you talk about friends, family etc who have lost money in these type of companies however, when you pay for something you should receive something for what you paid for yes or yes? So when I log onto Amazon and purchase headphones for $100 bucks I should then receive those headphones that I paid for in the mail yes or yes? So in this case let's say I buy products online from Herbal Life and then I receive those products at my front door I got what I paid for yes or yes? “Yes they maybe over prices but I still did get what I paid for” So the thought that your losing money is completely wrong. Under your theory in this blog post when people pay $60 bucks a month to go to their local gym they should all get in shape right? yes or yes? However, there is really only a small portion of people that go to the gym that are in shape “Like yourself from what it looks like”. So under your theory if I pay for a membership at 60 bucks a month and I don't get in shape going to the gym then we can now label the gym a SCAM based on my results? See what you fail to realize in these articles is that everything in life is based on results! How much effort you put into something is what you get out of it. Now, I agree with you that not always do people succeed in these type of businesses but in life you either fight for success or you fail.
Understand that network marketing is a perfect business model. Companies spend no money in advertising, then they turn around and reward others for spreading the word about their brand yes or yes? Network Marketing is simply a marketing tactic, a great tactic at that. Think about it you buy what you buy, download the apps you download all because your friends suggested them to you. So in theory Apple should send me a check for walking around with the I-Phone all day yes or yes? After all I am growing their brand yes or yes? See in a "Traditional Business" there can be tons of over-head in Networking Marketing there is very little.
How many assets do you own?
How many investments do you make?
How much passive income do you have? Or do you even know what passive income is?
How many Roth IRA accounts do you have?
What’s in your portfolio?
What’s in your bank account?
How many rental properties have you invested in?
Do you have money working for you or are you another number in the rate race that works for money?
As I said I am not apart of Herbal Life but people like you lack Financial Education and talk about business models like Herbal Life and are uneducated. However, you are right not a lot of people in these companies know nutrition however, the knowledge and skills these companies teach people is what our education system should be teaching.
Asset Management
Balancing Check Books
Typically the one’s who bash these companies have very little in their bank account. Just a reminder I am not apart of Herbal Life or these companies.
Congratulations on your success in business. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. It's refreshing to see a response from someone who at least has some sense. Though you seem to think I lack it.
DeleteAs for companies that aren't doing as they should... No one's ever been good at covering their tracks and getting away with scams before have they? And they're always immediately caught and proven too. Not how it works, the deck of cards will crumble.
As for people losing money... You say that I mentioned friends, family, etc that have lost money on Herbalife. I never said that. I know people, fortunately not loved ones that have wasted money on this company. To say these implies I mentioned more than one. I didn't. Please don't confuse my post with comments from readers.
You were almost good at giving examples, when saying you get what you pay for. Yes. Agreed. If you're paying for a product you don't have a full understanding of, or it requires something from you and you don't it, faults on yourself. I get that. I'm simply saying they spending money on products they don't need, to achieve goals they can reach healthily. I also meant for those who are paying to be a part of, back to the scheme part, and then losing said money because they can't recruit themselves. All information I have on how they work, is from the inside. Of course not from people at the top, but from naive kids that are tricked into it and then accidentally share how it works without realizing they're admitting to a pyramid, simply because they don't understand it. I've listened to sales pitches from several "coaches" who've all told me that I can make money, not only by selling products (like a normal business), but for each other person I can make a distributor, I get part of their buy in. So, either herbalife is spitting out uninformed "life coaches" that aren't sharing acreage information about their own company... Or they're right and it's a pyramid. Either way, something isn't right.
As for my assets, investments, passive income (which I do know about), IRA accounts, portfolio, bank account, rental properties, owned properties, money working for me, and the like... To that I say, your attempt was to sound intelligent, in assumption I don't have or have been a part of any of the said things, also assuming I don't know what half of it is. Well, you're a fool. You don't know me, or anything about me. To try to discredit me there, took away any credibility you may have had. I understand a lot more than you think.
I didn't ever claim to be an expert in the field of business and finance... Though I do have experience. I simply stated what I was informed about this company BY IT'S OWN PERSONNEL.
As a triathlete, I consume a lot more food than the average person on a daily basis (but I'm also exercising for 3-4 hours a day). I'm only 21 so buying natural, locally grown foods is a bit out of my price range but I do my best to eat right often. I believe that the term "dieting" is misleading. The best way to lose weight is to eat right and exercise. Maybe not as much as I currently do, but 45 minutes a day of light - moderate exercise will be enough for most people.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree with this post regarding Herbalife. Most weight loss supplements I've seen are a scam. And I'm pretty sure any company that asks me to pay them $300 to join is a pyramid scheme. My current employer didn't ask me to pay them money when I got hired. Nor does my boss make money when I make money, but we are still structured like a "pyramid" with da big guy up top. Thanks for the info Blakeley
To sign up its 70 dollars with an automatic 25% discount!
DeleteEat well exercise regularly sleep as much as you can and laugh a lot most importantly do what makes you happy if part of that is a fad diet or eating healthy knock yourself out. I think this blog is excellent personally that's my opinion and might not be yours. People always ask me how to lose weight it's simple eat less or exercise more or if your really serious do both and don't take supplements just eat small well balanced meals often
ReplyDeleteAre you forced to sign up? Sure the pyramids are illegal. Why not are they? MLM is legal, not a pyramids. That company’s sold and consumes products. In the other hand Pyramids produce large amount of money to those who participate, only depositing money, that’s why are prohibited did you think out of the top of the pyramid and earn without work and learn about the business? Start college then and let me know when you begin to make more than 100, 000 and beginning to pays your loan, you thought that products are magic? Of course not, continues to do a good balanced diet and many hours to the gym, maybe you end up being a personal trainer. Conclusion friend seems to Me that you deceived yourself, you didn’t a good internet research on how these type of businesses work and also believed to be beautiful just to take some pills?. I will tell you that I’m in a company that has been 54 years in the market, and is very different from what you are saying. I’m starting at the bottom in Amway... (sorry for my bad English I make a translation from MW.i don’t need English to make this work , good luck .Humberto Monte’s de oca a rookie IBO from Amway .
ReplyDeletei like how your saying "im not being a bitch, im just being blunt" from this post yet for what i read you are being a bitch. you dont even know what your talking about on here and you dont have your facts straight. i dont take herbalife but i know more than you do and it sounds to me like your jealous of everyone selling it. this blog is seriously the dumbest thing ive ever read and i really hope nobody believes you because you dont know everything. do you know one person, personally who has died from herbalife? i bet you dont. so since your talking about herbalife only, why arent you rudely bashing other health supplements just like herbalife that sells pills and shakes? you just seem like another one of those attention whores who like to bring people down.
ReplyDeleteand i am seriously laughing my ass off at how everyone says "thanks for the info lalala" like youve actually taken it before.
ReplyDeleteHey BlakeleyLately!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post...seriously. I ordered these products LAST WEEK, just received my order in the mail TODAY, and was excited about making my first 'meal' shake first thing TOMORROW morning! Crazy.... I'm taking this blog as a sign from God lol.
I became a member of Herbalife simply because I am a college student who likes the idea of a discount. I never say no to money opportunities but practicing my sales pitch on health products is not something I choose to add to my repertoire. With all that being said, I did purchase the skin products starter kit. Any thoughts on it?
The reasoning behind my initial interest is I wanted to drop 10-15 lbs. So I was told to replace two meals with the Formula 1 Healthy Meal Mix combined with the Protein Drink Mix. Then in the mornings I was told to add the Herbal Aloe and Herbal Tea Concentrate to hot or cold water in the mornings for an extra boost of energy.
I am a Division 1 student-athlete so I already have a pretty active lifestyle. Our coaches provide us with a meal plan at our two very convenient campus cafeterias. But I have problems controlling myself when I have my salad in hand and walk by a chef pulling out a freshly baked pepperoni pizza on my way to sit down or catch a glimpse of my favorite brand-named ice cream flavor as I'm leaving to go study for the night. Playing for the our university is essentially our job so they pay us on a monthly basis because we don't have the time to financially support ourselves. After they provide us with a comfortable place to call home, books, swipes for the cafeteria and other expenses, that only leaves me with roughly $250 to buy healthy foods. Ever since I was little, 75% of the time I'll pick fresh fruit over candy and I absolutely love raw vegetables. My mom never allowed us to have a taste for canned vegetables or fruit. That's a pricey preference when you're not relying on your parents anymore.
I really didn't want to talk your ear off and I really hope you reply so I'll try to wrap things up.....
Long story short, I usually leave for class, practice and study hall at 7:15 in the morning and usually don't return until 4 but sometimes later two days out of the week. By the time I get home I'm exhausted and starving. If I'm not spending all day away from my healthy-food-stocked kitchen then we're out of town for a game, eating what they provide us. Our regular pre-game meal is white pasta, two choices of sauce (Alfredo or marinara), mashed potatoes, gravy, some sort of baked chicken, a green vegetable, salad, and fruit. Breakfast will be what the hotel provides and post game meal is our choice of whatever we want from places life Jersey Mikes, Chipotle, Free Birds, and very RARELY (usually if it's the only option because the school we're competing against is in the middle of no where) ....Pizza Hut.
So what would you suggest I do in order to eat clean on a consistent basis? It's really hard when I either don't have a choice or I'm so on the go that I can't find time to wake up super early to prepare breakfast or eat a healthy lunch.
Again, I'm really sorry about the long message. And I'm really hoping for a reply.
Thank you!
Aw man, I replied but as a real comment, so check that when it's published :)
DeleteI really would like ur workout regimen and eating guide to guide me cuz ive gained more weight den lost after my baby was born... if u can email it to me
ReplyDeleteMy sister does this and sells this. She has finally started actually making money off of it, but that was after having to put so much on a credit card to get up to supervisor level to get a discount. After that it took MONTHS to finally get to be getting money from it. While yes she has lost weight, she had lost weight years ago by eating lean cuisines (not the best but hey-herbalife is just as chemical filled) and doing 30-60 minutes of light exercise. Heck, I lost 20 pounds eating healthy and doing half-assed yoga and pilates (that was before I found out about a cyst in my ovary and then let myself go. I've been struggling to get back on track but I'm getting back to eating healthy and exercising, not using things like herbalife). There was also a comment she made after we went to a frozen yogurt place "Oh, I know why I have a headache... I haven't taken any of my tablets yet!" If you get a headache from not taking some 'tablet' (that smells like SHIT, seriously), then there's something wrong with it. Headache from dehydration? makes sense. but from not taking a tablet? no. People are too concerned with being skinny and losing 10 lbs in two minutes than just trying to get healthy. According to her, they don't push their products on you, they share their products and stories with you. (which I had to control myself from laughing because she literally cannot accept the 'let's agree to disagree' and always pushes the products and company on us). She also told me about how this guy who was homeless was giving half a canister of tea and he tried it and loved it and went around selling it and made enough to be able to afford the pay in and now makes however much money. Let's be serious though... the tea 'burns 100 calories' as you drink it, right? Homeless people are already not getting enough calories/nutrition... why give them something that is going to make them burn calories?
ReplyDeleteIt simply requires an average person to discredit your entire article upon reading the first paragraph. I do not consume Herbalife products, participate as a Network Marketer for Herbalife, nor do I claim to know the effectiveness and healthiness of their products but your initial assessment of a pyramid scheme in comparison to a legitimate multi-billion dollar industry (which is larger than professional sports and the movie industry) of Network Marketing is beyond ludicrous, which makes me question the validity of the article in its entirety and the "professionals" you contacted. I am not commenting on their products whatsoever - you may be correct about the hazards - but attempt studying the operation of several industries in comparison to the legal, tax-paying Network Marketing companies and you will realize you literally have no understanding. We habitually network with people everyday and advertise our likes and dislikes to those around us. Costco Wholesale earns over $70 billion in sales annually without a single advertisement in their history because every single member advertised through word-of-mouth. The difference is that Network Marketing pays you for those references. Over 2/3 of all sales in the United States are a result of word-of-mouth advertisement and even Time Warner Cable caught on and started paying you for your references and the people they reference. Their claims of wealth are not much different than college. Only 1/3 of college graduates nowadays obtain a job in their respective field that require a college degree and of that 1/3, the average college loan is around $30,000 with an average income around $25,000. This is a perpetual occurrence despite their fancy seminars and testimonies of the few people who rode the train to success with all of their employees underneath them in the corporate pyramidal structure of a capitalist economy. Is it fair? No, but it's the way wealth is distributed in our current economy and there is a small percentage that earns a wealthy living while others are middle-class or below, just like Network Marketing. That's just the way it is so learn to adjust and also learn how to conduct research and retain knowledge. I could continue on with pages of facts, statistics, and general knowledge but if you can't comprehend by now, then you probably never will. Sorry I'm not sorry for my condescension but it was deserved. I have experienced and studied Network Marketing, as well as traditional business, and there are a few business owners in my family and just as many who earned a Masters in Business Management so I've been exposed quite a bit to business logistics. Oh, and I am also currently working 80-90 hours a week expanding a brick-and-mortar retail business and I still understand the legitmacy of Network Marketing so I'm not some random, inexperienced person who cannot adequately differentiate pyramid schemes from legal businesses.
DeleteFirst, thank you for responding with an actual intelligent statement with actual valid points. Even though you're attempting to knock me for not doing so. My reasoning for calling them a pyramid, is based off the way their company was explained to me, by their own recruiters. These people probably didn't understand what they were actually admitting too, as I suspect there's a lot of naivety amongst their rookie recruitments. I have listened very carefully to their pitches, as in the beginning I thought perhaps it could have been legitimate. What was explained to me proved to me it wasn't. I was told if I choose to sell the products, I make profit of them, AND compensation from the money put forth to join from anyone I recruit. That falls under the definition listed. You are entirely correct about network marketing, and make great points. However, you didn't understand where I got off calling it a scheme. Which I have now explained. So was I misinformed? Perhaps, but if that's the case, maybe this company should provide more education/training/sales wording to make sure their own kind aren't accidentally knocking the company simply out of ignorance. So, as I am not insulting you, I hope that you will do the same. Now that I've stated my case. Again, I do appreciate the legitimate feedback amongst a sea of very rude and idiotic comments I have received.
Make it a great day!
Hi, is it the same for JuicePlus?
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. I always wanted to try Herbalife for that "quick fix" like you, when I was having slow progress or something. But my inner health hippie wouldn't let me replace 2 meals a day with GMO soy and loads of fake sugars. I hate when people say "I've lost so much weight, Herbalife is amazing!" because duh, when you are replaced low-cal shakes for meals- restriction will cause you to lose weight. This restriction that you will have to do every day for the rest of your life or heaven forbid your body will adjust to it's natural weight. People lose weight on slim fast and special k too, and yet... you can buy those at a grocery store for way cheaper if you really want to go that route. Dump in some green powder and there are your "vitamins and minerals". The hateful comments really crack me up. People are so quick to get defensive over their beliefs, similar to cults and extreme dieters like Paleo or Vegans. Gimme carbs. Gimme burgers. And gimme real food. Bravo! Sharing this everywhere!
ReplyDeleteAlso- to Jane Doe. College is about living it up. I am pretty sure I lived off drown nights and pitchers of beer, pizza rolls and ice blue koolaid for a good 3 years. I also worked out every single day at 6am and oddly enough, was much lighter than I am now. Enjoy your young metabolism, enjoy college, enjoy pizza! I knew lots of athletes and the amount of calories you burn during workouts and games- more than most of us do in a week. You go girl!
ReplyDeleteI love you for This article, amazing! and so true, I have personally lost over 6 stone doing exactly what you suggest, good food, smaller portions (I used The Diet Plate, it's amazing) and exercise. I can't understand how any of that might have worked for me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support! Props to you for getting healthy the right way!(:
DeleteI would be really interested in you meal plan and work out plan! I'm 7 months pregnant and scared to death that I'm not ever going to get me body back! I used Herbalife before I became pregnant and loved it but a lot of the product says to not use when you are pregnant and nursing so I really don't know where to go from there... I exercise pretty regularly now that I'm pregnant and even before but am curious how long you waited after birth to start exercising and how many calories you consumed and whatnot.
ReplyDeleteSadly it's very true. A lot of chemicals are used in Herbalife and I drank one while pregnant and was vomiting for days( it was already passed the morning sickness phase) so I researched the company's ingredients and there it was. I work for a MLM company It Works! And it has been the biggest blessing in my family and friends life. Our products are all natural and have ORGANIC fruits and vegetables as well as plants and herbs that help with different things. Thanks for this post because I meet a lot of people in my line of work who praise Herbalife then 2 months later leave the business. God bless!
ReplyDeletei wanted to read all the comments... but this crazy font ruined my life.
ReplyDeleteTHANK you for this post! I appreciate you being REAL and I definitely enjoyed your snarky sarcasm, lol. I don't know a whole lot about herbalife but I'm convinced and will share your information about the negative ingredients. It is too bad that so many are hooked on the quick fix - I really hope they don't all have long lasting effects from it (although I'm sure people would just attribute it to bad luck or something else - I'm an RN and people rarely will admit that their crappy diet cause their problems). Anyways, thanks! AND congratulations on your awesome results!
ReplyDeleteI was a Physical Education Teacher in a Secondary School in the UK for 10 years. I taught GCSE and A-Level theory. I do not know the facts about Herbalife but I do know the facts about losing weight and in that matter this post is true. There are NO SHORT CUTS to losing weight.
ReplyDeleteI once commented on a friends Facebook page. She was a Herbalife dealer and had said "I've just had a delicious Herbashake for breakfast - what have you had?" I replied with 2 Weetabix, Blueberries & skimmed milk - less calories than you! Then I'm off for a 30 minute run" She deleted my comment but kept the other Herbazombies comments about their chocolate shakes etc... LOL.
First off I apologize you've had to deal with so many ignorant posts. But if you could email me what you did to get in shape, that would be great! When you get a chance of course :)
ReplyDeleteMy goodness these people are hilarious, what a great laugh I've had reading their comments. Also, loved the blog! I couldn't agree more and reading all of these comments from people defending this crap is ridiculous! Keep doing what you're doing, I know I've enjoyed it! Maybe some day they'll catch on, one can only hope! :)
ReplyDeleteI would be super interested in your meal plan and workout plan :) if you could email me them @ mad.scofield@gmail.com that would be amazing.
Can you please email me your meal plan and exercise plan...thank you
Im also interested in your meal plan and exercise plan....thank u
100% agree with u blakeley and its amusing to see all the money focused miracle pill pushers trying to back up the wonder drugs...ermmmm yeah peeps...drugs in nice shake flavours. ..hmmm yum... where is the logic in spending money on a quick fix (omg I feel so amazingly cleansed crap )...remember beauties only skin deep n the inside is where you need to focus cause im pretty sure the long term implications of popping pills to shed weight isnt gonna be on the top of the piranhas(distributors. ..top notch sales ex lists of priorities. ..)...think the main focus was in selling a get quick dream in a pill that has a 100% satisfaction guarantee of shedding pounds but the majority of the pounds will be of the money form n you need to keep a shedding cause once u stop...tic tic boom.....now call me whatever u like really cause im still gonna be the one whos on top...cause I do that weird diet thats been passed down from my wonderful grandparents n theirs before that...its called a normal home cooked healthy eating diet.... takes a little longer to prepare than shakes, bars n pills but I can 100% guarantee that its a lifestyle choice that gives back...u are what you eat....and eating is what we do.....can't see how any intelligent person can try to put a supplement replacement whatever above a normal tastey balanced diet that promotes a health immune system thus healthy organs...heart...eyes....and life expectancy...call me cynical but is it the pounds £....hmmm
ReplyDeleteCan you email me info too please
ReplyDeleteHi, how did you achieve this specifically? Like your diet and exercise, I run regularly 3 times a week and try to eat clean however not really familiar with eating clean due to my mum always making unhealthy foods. If you could help me, it would be great :)
ReplyDeleteI started on the Herbalife products over a year ago focused on improving my health and losing excess body fat . It has helped me have structure to my eating habits and my coach always had great advice and encouraged me to live a healthier lifestyle . I had great results and am more than happy . When I realized how great I felt I decided to become a distributor , mainly to close friends and family as I genuinely wanted them to feel the same benefit as me . Money didn't interest me , just thought I could help people I cared about . When I started getting negative responses I then decided to GOOGLE to see what people were saying . When I read this kind of hatred towards Herbalife , portraying distributors as dishonest , money grabbing , scamming thieves I was a bit shocked . My experience on the products has been very positive , fact! . If I had read something like this first I would probably been put off , and still be struggling with my weight and health and eating fast food , not because I am lazy but working as a recovery driver 15 hours a day didn't have the time or money to buy and prepare " clean , organic meals " on the go . In an ideal world maybe .. I didn't think a product that helps me so much is so negatively criticized .
Read further from others.
Would you mind sharing your diet. I would highly appreciated it. I've been eating healthy and exercising with little results. Thanks in advance malego07@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this. I know people have a hard time with the "c" word, but Multilevel Marketing companies are basically business cults which is why you will get jumped on for speaking up. It's not much good talking to the people who are currently hypnotized...but good to warn people so that they don't get sucked in.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I do actually have a degree in Community Nutrition from the University of California, Davis. Your approach is sound. Exercise, loads of vegetables and fruit, healthy fats, lean meats, lo fat dairy and complex carbs are, in general, the ticket to optimizing health. Always a good idea to stay away from overly processed foods. I think making processed protein shakes a large percentage of one's diet, long term, is boring gastronomically and unwise from a health standpoint.
As the daughter in law of a local, organic farmer I agree whole heartedly! I applaud you for this blog! Good luck in your continued health venture! You're doing great! If you live in the Fort Worth area you should come by the farm store and check it out! Walnut Creek Farm Texas 6521 Asher Rd Alvarado TX!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do agree with your comments about Hebalife's products containing "poison" - sucralose, I will disagree with your buisness comments. Your definition of a pyramid scheme is false. A pyramid scheme is when you pay obscene amount of money to get in and trying to sell a product that doesn't exist. To say Herbalife is a pyramid scheme is say Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Scentsy and many more are as well. They all work the same way. And they are all true MLM companies. Just because Herbalife didn't work on you (if you tried it) doesn't mean it doesn't work on others. Do I think people should take their products? No. It's not ALL natural. And the legal trouble Herbalife is in isn't because of their products. It's because over 600,000 Herbalife consultants made claims that their products cure diseases. No company can make those claims. FDA will shut them down. Which is what the FDA is doing to Herbalife. I will also agree that the best way to lose weight is with proper eating and exercise. However, the gym can only do so much. And NO ONE eats completely right. I am a wellness coach and work with personal trainers, doctors, nutritionists and fitness experts. And yes I do work for a MLM wellness company. Am I on here to promote my products? No. But I've done my research too. Herbalife isn't the only company with "poison" in their products. So does Shakeology, Body by Vi, Slim Fast, MediFast, MedRx, GNC, Isegenics. They all have sucralose and/or fructose in them. My company is the ONLY company that has COMPLETE ALL NATURAL products. Made with just organic plants fruits and veggies. We have our own farm and grow our own product. So we know exactly what is in our products and where the ingredients come from. I work with obese clients - 300+ pounds. And they have had extremely great results. My products aren't meant to replace and meal or workout. You have to eat right. And our bodies were designed for exercise. But sometimes that's not enough. My products are meant to enhance your results from exercise. My mom was 150 pounds over weight. Has always battled weight problems. She got it off once when she was much younger. The stress of life heped it to come back. It's part of why I became a wellness coach. She was on Thyroid meds, Cholesterol meds, Antidepressants and Blood Pressure meds. Diet and exercise don't help too much with those. She has been able to come off all her meds (with doctors okay) because of being on my products. Now that she is 100 pounds lighter (she lost 15 in one week), it i easier for her to exercise. She couldn't before because of a bad knee. That last 50 pounds will be easier to get off and keep off. Again, not selling product. As a wellness coach, I have a passion for helping people get healthy. Feel free to email me any time. ppcbyveronica@gmail.com